Saturday, October 8, 2016

Baby Maxfield Gender Reveal!

Well, here we are in the 20th week of my pregnancy! I did a bumpdate for it the other day, but this week is especially special because we got to find out the sex! We had our family over for dinner last night before we opened the pumpkin to reveal either a small blue pumpkin, or a small pink one. Our friend Megan was given the sealed envelope, the big pumpkin, pink and blue paint, and the small pumpkin right after the ultrasound. She was sworn to secrecy, she wasn't even allowed to tell me!
Most of the Old Wives Tales pointed to a girl. I have gotten so many people telling me "oh you have this symptom so it's obviously a girl/boy!" Well, no. All of those Old Wives Tales are just for fun! When you think about it, they have a 50% chance of being right, so a lot of people end up believing them. The signs and symptoms, like carrying low, the heart rate, the amount of all-day puking, acne, heartburn, it's literally just how your body does pregnancy. Despite all that, it was still fun to use the OWT's to guess the sex before we knew!
I tried to keep decorations at a minimum because really, all of that work for a 2 second pull-the-pumpkin-out felt like a waste. I also kept a small pumpkin theme, as we were finding out what our little pumpkin would be :)
The ultrasound on Thursday morning was a long 45 minute one, but it was the anatomy scan. Baby was facing away from us and sleeping for most of it, so the ultrasound tech got plenty of the pictures she needed. She was determined to get the sex for us (and she needed baby to face us, or switch positions at least for the heart pictures) so she had me do some jumping jacks and try eating the candy that I had in my purse. Well, it worked because...
It's a girl

It definitely feels different, knowing the sex. It feels a lot more real knowing we have a baby girl arriving in ~4.5 months!

xo. Nicole

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